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PJ 260/295

Some shots of PJ 295 models by others

I have both the Walt Moucha and the John Tanzer plansets. There are things I like about both designs and I haven't yet decided which plans to build from. Both designs will yield a plane of 80 inch wingspan and a weight in the neighborhood of 20 pounds, give or take a couple of pounds... Power will be a Zenoah G-62 which should be more than adequate. May be next winter before I get to this project.

If you know who's responsible for this beauty, let me know and I'll be sure and give them credit...

Photo 1:

Photo 2:

Photo 3:

Here are a few shots sent to me by Dean Diede of his Tanzer PJ framed up and nearly finished. I call this stage "90% done and 90% to go".


The G-62 hides nicely inside the spacious cowl


It's almost a shame to hide this kind of craftsmanship under the covering matierial that will eventually finish the plane


I'll be adding photos of my own PJ as soon as I get started on it. Hopefully, I'll be able to document it's construction from beginning to mean first flights!